We understand that sending your child to school during this time can be unsettling. At Davidson Preschool, our staff is dedicated to keeping your children safe. Our safety plan for the upcoming school year includes the following precautions:
touch-less temperature reading done at arrival
the option for students and staff to wear masks
staggered recess times (only one class on the playground at a time)
whole-school special classes split into individual classrooms (music, reading time with Pastor Aaron)
temporary pause on all special assemblies (community workers, special visitors)
no-contact drop-off and pick-up (parents are asked to remain in the vehicle)
temporary pause on family volunteers/visitors
staggered dismissal times
daily classroom sanitation (once mid-day and once after school)
separate supply boxes for each student (no sharing crayons, glue sticks, etc.)
hand-washing/sanitizing regularly
Please help us keep our staff and students safe by screening your child for symptoms prior to drop-off. As a reminder, if your child exhibits one or more of the following symptoms, please keep your child home:
Fever of 100.4° F or greater with in the past 24 hours (please check this every school day)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell